This One Time With Julia is one of the strangest books I have ever read and I do not mean that in a good way. Half the time I didn't have a clue what was going on and when I finished the book I was left wondering what the heck the point of the book was.Joe is a very weird boy. He is 18-years-old but he can't read, has very little education, he lives on his older brother's couch, and he is very naive. I almost wondered at times of he had some mental issues but it was never mentioned. Joe's brothers, Alvin and Marcus, were not in the book very much but I did not like either. Alvin took advantage of Joe and Marcus was just plain mean to him. As for Julia, she was manipulative and really nothing special. I did not like her at all.The plot never really went anywhere. Honestly there seemed to be no point to the book. There really wasn't a conclusion, the story just ended. I'm still left wondering where the actual ending was. Overall, This One Time With Julia is not a book I would recommend. Some people may enjoy it but it honestly made no sense to me. Definitely get this one from the library if you are at all interested.