Emily Hainsworth’s debut novel is one you don’t want to miss. This story of parallel worlds will have you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.This review is going to be completely spoiler free but let me just tell you, it’s a little harder than normal for me to stick to that with this book. I just want to go on and on about it!First up, the story is such a unique concept. I admit that I have been getting a little bored with all the similar stories in YA. Through To You definitely switches things up. Cam’s girlfriend is killed in a car accident and he can’t move on. Life just keeps getting worse for him until he discovers this light that leads to a parallel world where she is still alive. However things are quite what they seem in this alternate world and Cam has to figure out how to move on before it’s too late. It’s a blend of paranormal and contemporary and I adored it. And yes there were a few things that I predicted but nothing too major and nothing that made me like the book less.Cam was a fabulous character. Emily Hainsworth managed to put readers into the mind of this grief stricken teenage boy and I fell totally in love with him. Everything he was feeling came through to me and he came across as a 100% real guy. He was cute, in a messed up way, and I really wanted him to get a happy ending, somehow. Nina was also a great character although I would have enjoyed getting to know more about her. She seemed like such an amazing girl and sister to Owen (who was adorable) and I would have liked to know more about her life before Cam. There were times when I weren’t quite sure of her motives but I never disliked her. As for Cam’s girlfriend, Viv, I can’t say I ever liked her. Both the original Viv and the Viv in the parallel world came across as really controlling and just kind of nasty. I’d be surprised if any readers really liked her but I think that’s how you’re supposed to feel about her. Oh and Cam’s mom was awesome. She seemed really absent at first but she had more of a presence throughout the book and you could tell that she was really trying with Cam.I think the best part of Through To You though is the perfect blending of paranormal and contemporary. At it’s heart it is a story of love and loss and trying to move on no matter how much you don’t want to. I could feel Cam’s grief in every single page but as the book went on I could see it lessening even knowing that it would always be there. So many paranormal stories have this unrealistic feeling to them and that was so not the case with Through To You.Overall, I highly recommend Emily Hainsworth’s debut novel. I can’t wait to see what she does next!