I'm sorry for such a horrible rating but there was nothing about this book that I liked. I could not get into it and it took me forever to read it. And it was only a little over 200 pages. It was clearly not a book for me.Sophie Greene wants her life to be more like her favorite fictional heroine, Devon Deveraux. She wants romance, adventure, something to remember when she looks back on her life. She doesn't have that with her boyfriend of 3 years and she just might have to end it with him but how is she supposed to do that when they are spending spring break together in Florida? She knows this trip is going to be life-changing but she never really realized just how life-changing.Sophie was an unrealistic person. She based all her decisions on what a fictional character would do. After the first couple of chapters it got ridiculous and I couldn't stand it. She was also self-involved and whiny. There just wasn't a single redeeming quality to her character.The plot was nonexistent. I guess I could see a little bit of a storyline shining through at some points but nowhere near enough to get me interested. I never got into the story so I ended up reading it as fast as I could to get it over with.Overall, Little Miss Red was a big disappointment for me. There just wasn't enough substance to it. I really hope Robin Palmer's other books are better because I do still plan on reading them.