Thirst No.1 is not like the popular vampire stories of today. It was a good book but it was very different than what I am used to reading. I would have to recommend giving it a shot though if you enjoy non-traditional vampire tales.Thirst No.1 is actually the first three books in the series; The Last Vampire, Black Blood, and Red Dice. It makes it a bit more difficult to review but I will try my best. The Thirst books were originally published in the early 90's and that is one of the main reasons why it is so different. I liked reading about more traditional vampires with extraordinary stories.All three stories are about Alisa Perne, the last vampire on earth. She is a brutal vampire, not afraid to kill people to hide her secret. I was a bit shocked at all the killing in the book and I didn't really get over that. It was my biggest problem with the book. It was also pretty gory at times. Probably not the best book for younger readers.My other problem with Thirst No.1 was Alisa. I never felt connected to her. She was cocky, selfish, cruel, and just an all-around bitch. Of course she changed a little throughout the book but not enough. She was 5,000 years old. She should have been way more mature than she actually was.Overall, Thirst No.1 was just an average book. I felt like it could have been a lot better and I'm hoping the rest of the series does improve. Like I said though, still give this one a shot. You might be surprised by it.