Warm Bodies is not a young adult book but I feel that it would greatly appeal to young adult readers. It's a fast-paced read with a supremely likable hero and personally, I couldn't put it down.R is a zombie. He doesn't remember who he was before he became a zombie but he's pretty sure his name started with the R sound. He's a very eloquent zombie. He has very deep thoughts about everything from sex to world peace. Yes, he does eat people, but no, he's not all bad. He does it to survive. While normally this type of character would not appeal to me (and I hope not to you either), this case is different. He's a zombie looking for more from life and he's awesome.While R is definitely the hero of this book, Julie is still a pretty kickass heroine. She is crazy awesome. I think the thing that I liked best about Julie was that she wasn't unwilling to show her fear. In fact, it made her all that more brave to me. She faces down crazy zombies and even starts a sort-of relationship with one. She doesn't let everyone's beliefs about zombies sway her and she tries to learn things for herself. She's open-minded, smart, funny, and just plain cool.There's a lot going on in Warm Bodies which helps speed it up. It's a rather short book as it is but the story is so gripping that it seems even shorter. There's a bit of a mystery regarding what's going on with the zombies, a war is brewing (subtly), and there's some romance (though admittedly it's a very odd romance.) There really is just something for everyone in Warm Bodies.Overall, Warm Bodies is a must-read for zombie fans. It has definitely made it onto my list of favorite zombie books. While I do have to warn that there is some sexual content and some rather gory scenes, if that doesn't bother you, give it a try! Isaac Marion has crafted a wonderful zombie tale that will thrill readers everywhere.