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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Little Black Lies

Little Black Lies - Tish Cohen I could tell from the very beginning that I was going to like Little Black Lies. It’s one of those books where once you start it, there is no stopping for anything other than necessity. It kept me hooked right until the last sentence and even after that it stuck with me.The first thing I really liked about the book was Sara. She may have been a huge liar and kind of selfish in some of her acts but I still liked her. She didn’t seem superficial and you could tell by all the guilt she felt how much she hated what she was doing. She was also really funny. She was super clumsy and always tripping over something or running into someone. And usually it was a very cute senior boy.Also, the story was just really entertaining. I kept reading because I really wanted to know what crazy thing Sara would do next and how she would manage to get herself out of it. And the girls were insane. They were evil. I knew it from the beginning but I didn’t really find out how evil until the very end.Oh and Sara’s dad was so cute. I felt so bad for him with his OCD and I just wanted to hug him. He had so many things going on with his life but all he ever cared about was Sara. I couldn’t believe that his wife just up and left him, knowing how much pain and trouble it would cause him. No matter what, I could never like Sara’s mom and nothing she did made herself seem any better. I hated her!Overall, I guess you can clearly see how much I liked the book. While there were some things, like Sara’s confusing relationship with Leo, I didn’t really understand until the end, it all worked out well. Definitely see if your local bookstore has a copy of this because it is super worth it. =]