I don't exactly know how to start this review. I enjoyed the book overall but it was pretty predictable. I wasn't shocked by anything that happened and I didn't think the story was anything spectacular. Then again, I did read it all in pretty much one sitting so that means it was good enough to keep me reading.Charlotte "Charlie" Healy has had enough of mean girls. In fact, she's had so much she decided to change schools to get away from them. Her new school seems to be great. It's more advanced, has a better school paper, new friends, and some way cute boys. Charlie couldn't have asked for a better freshman year of high school. All that changes when she witnesses a shocking act one night made by someone she truly trusted. What is Charlie to do, let it slide to help her friend or do the right thing and let them face the consequences?The story of Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials was cute. Like I said, I wasn't surprised by anything that happened but it was written well enough that I could still enjoy the book. And yes there was a message to the book which always helps, in my opinion.I think what really helped make the book so good was the characters. Charlie, Sydney, Nidhi, Will, and Michael were all so great. Sometimes I just couldn't help but laugh at the way they acted and it made me think that they were the kind of people I would want as friends. I admit that Charlie seemed kind of wimpy at first but she eventually grew a backbone. =]Overall, this was a very cute chick-lit book. It was a quick read and a good one. I totally recommend it to fans of the genre!