Amazing! That is the first word that pops into my head to describe The Secret Year. I'm sure there are plenty of others that I could think of but that is the first word that comes to me. The Secret Year was an absolutely brilliant book.The Secret Year is the story of Colt Morrissey, a guy from the flats. It's also the story of Julia Vernon, a girl from Black Mountain Road. Those two types of people don't mix, at least not well but for a year that's what Colt and Julia did, up to the day that Julia was killed. Now Colt is the one person left who knows their secret. At least, that's what he thinks, until he gets the journal. Julia's journal, all about their time together.The Secret Year is super unique seeing as it's told from a guy's point-of-view. Until recently I hadn't read many books like that and the ones that I had read I didn't like. They seem to be popping up more often in YA literature these days and the ones that I have read are wonderfully written. Jennifer Hubbard did a spectacular job with this story. Seeing as it's all about love and relationships and sex, I didn't expect it to be very good told from a guy. Surprisingly, it made it even better. It wasn't vulgar or crude. It was beautifully done.Overall, The Secret Year is a book I think everyone should read. Jennifer Hubbard is a debut novelist that I will definitely be on the lookout for in the future. The Secret Year has been added to my list of all time favorite books and if you give it a shot, maybe yours too.