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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Taken by Storm

Taken by Storm - Angela Morrison Taken By Storm was a book I had heard nothing but good things about. When I finally got my hands on a copy, I figured it wouldn't be able to live up to the hype about it. I was wrong and I wasn't disappointed at all by the book. Michael and Leesie were two completely different people. At the beginning of the book, Michael has just lost both his parents and he hopes that he can just lose himself as well, with the help of some strong medications. Leesie is the Mormon outcast at her school who gets picked on and harassed. They don't seem at all like two people who would be good for each other but it turns out they both need saving. With the help of each other, they just might get it.Taken By Storm wasn't a typical romance. Yeah there was tons of romance, along with many rough spots and trials that they had to go through but it was so much more than just that. Leesie's rules prevented them from really doing anything and that took a lot out of Michael and caused tons of bumps in the relationship. Then there were all of Michael's many problems over the deaths of his parents. There was never a boring moment in this book. The writing style was a little hard to get used to. Most of the book was written in Michael's point of view and I wasn't really into that at first. As the book went on I grew to like it. I haven't read many books like this written from a guys perspective. There were also chats between Leesie and Michael and poems written by Leesie. It was a really original was to write!Overall, I loved Taken By Storm. The plot, the characters, the wrinting, everything! It was just really good and I urge you to check it out next time you are in a bookstore or at your local library. Hopefully, you will enjoy it as much as I did!