SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't read the first book in this series, this review will contain spoilers.Lisa Desrocher's debut novel, Personal Demons, was a favorite of mine. The sequel, Original Sin, was just as fabulous. Full of angels, demons, romance, and betrayal, this trilogy has a little something for everyone.Frannie is one hell of a main character. She is fierce, feisty, and totally kick-ass. She knows what she wants and she goes after it. She's also not easily scared by a few demons. In fact, at one point she takes down a demon with her bare hands. This girl needs to teach me (and some other YA girls) some moves!Luc, Gabe, Matt, and Lili are really the only other characters that seem to matter although there are some secondary characters that play pretty big roles. Luc is no longer a demon but he's still a little twisted (wouldn't have him any other way.) He's a little tormented by his past but he's still kind and totally in love with Frannie. She brings out the best in him. Gabe is absent for a good part of the book but when he is present he's the same as ever. He's sweet, helpful, and caring but I have to say, Frannie's draw to him didn't make sense. I just never saw them that way. He was too much like a father figure, always trying to take care of her. As for Matt, in the beginning I liked him but that quickly changed. He had an attitude issue. And Lili was never trustworthy. It's pretty easy to see from the beginning that something is up with her. As for the rest of the characters they just didn't really make an impression on me. They could have used a bit more development. The plot was a little slow in the beginning. Things were almost too perfect with Luc and Frannie. It was pretty clear it wouldn't last. And I have to say the whole thing with Lili was a bit too predictable. There were just too many things in Original Sin that were glaringly obvious and I would've liked a bit more mystery. However I never once stopped enjoying the story and it was dang near impossible to stop reading.Overall, Original Sin is a good follow-up to Personal Demons. It's a fast read that will leave readers dying for the third and final book.