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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Raised by Wolves (Raised by Wolves Novel)

Raised by Wolves - Jennifer Lynn Barnes Raised By Wolves is a refreshingly unique take on the werewolf story. I have never been a huge fan of werewolf books but I absolutely adored Raised By Wolves. It was just different enough that I wasn't able to predict anything that was coming. I know this is going to be a series so I cannot wait until the sequel is released.Bronwyn (Bryn) Clare is not your normal teenager. For starters, she was literally raised by wolves. When a rabid werewolf killed her parents, Callum, the alpha of the pack, took her in. Being raised by a pack of werewolves has made her a little bit human but a little bit wolf. She belongs with the pack, at least she thinks she does. When she meets Chase, a teenage werewolf, locked in a cage in Callum's basement, she knows they are the same, just not how. She is determined to see him again and she will do whatever it takes, even betraying her pack. The real question is, why is her pack trying to keep her away from him?Bryn was a fierce girl. I loved how brave and stubborn she was. She may have been the weakest of the pack but you sure couldn't tell from the way she acted. She was witty and clever and just all around fun. She was great with Callum and the rest of the pack but I truly loved her with Chase. They had some wierd connection but they were so good together. I didn't think they would be good together at first because they are both so alike but the relationship did work out. They were both lonely and afraid but hiding behind their tough exteriors. I liked seeing both sides to them. Also, Devon and Lake were great counterbalances. They were original, funny, but also calm and collected when they needed to be. That was good because neither Bryn nor Chase were. It was just a great mix of characters that hopefully will only continue to grow with the next book.The plot was the best part of the book though. From the very first page I was drawn into the mystery of the pack and their secrets. Bryn knew that Callum was keeping something from her and I had to find out what it was. Once you find that out, the mysteries and secrets only get deeper and harder to figure out. I was kept guessing until the end of the book. I loved it! And while the book is over 400 pages, I never felt like it was too much. In fact, it wasn't enough for me. There is at least a year between now and the next book and I am dying. If it's anything like this one, it will be a sure hit with me.Overall, I think you can tell what I think of Raised By Wolves. It's my first ever book by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and my new goal this summer is to read the rest of her books. Her writing is awesome and I have high hopes for whatever she does next. If you haven't already read this one, add it to your list. =]