This review is going to be a little different than others just because the book is so far into the series. People who haven't read the series won't be reading this review for obvious spoiler reasons.The seventh book in the Pretty Little Liars series did not disappoint me in any way. I have always been a huge fan of the series and the books just seem to keep getting better. There is always mystery, romance, suspicion, betrayal, guilt, and so much more. There is seriously never a boring moment in the books and that is why I love them so much.The ending of the sixth book took me by surprise and shocked me. The beginning of this one turned it all around. I wasn't sure how Sara Shepard was going to make it work but she did. Also, A really messed up these girls' heads in this book. I could not even guess what A was going to think of next. That is one crazy person and the girls kind of annoy me because they always fall for A's lies.The ending was unexpected and kind of abrupt but the final book in the series is out now so there will be no more guessing on who killed Ali and why they continue to torment the Pretty Little Liars. I am starting it right now and I can't wait until I have some free time to really get into it.Overall, Heartless is another great addition to one of my favorite series. I can't recommend this series enough. I even managed to get a couple of my friends to read it who don't normally read books outside of school. That should be recommendation enough. =]