Angelfire was a fabulous start to this trilogy but Wings Of The Wicked really sealed the deal. This book has everything readers could possibly want: romance, action, angels, demons, reapers, and one serious badass main character. Ellie is my girl! =)Ellie's life has changed a lot since Will came back into her life but Ellie hasn't changed much. She is just a normal girl trying to save the world from demonic reapers. No biggie! In this book Ellie faces even more challenges than in Angelfire and my heart broke for her more than once. Things aren't at all easy for Ellie but she fights through it and Will never leaves her side. Now that is one seriously devoted boy. Will also faces quite a bit in this book but he is still his dark and moody self. The boy needs some happy pills. (I still love him though.)The action in this book is seriously non-stop. I never knew when some reaper was going to pop up out of nowhere and try to kill Ellie and Will. Sadly some of the fight scenes in this book had devastating consequences and I did tear up a little. I truly love all the characters in this book and seeing any of them hurt broke my heart. Courtney Allison Moulton did a great job of making me feel for the characters.Overall, Wings Of The Wicked is a spectacular sequel to Angelfire. The book may be over 500 pages but by the end up will be wishing it was longer.