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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Dare You To

Dare You To - Katie McGarry Fair warning: this is going to be another one of those gushy reviews from me. Katie McGarry is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and I can't even do justice to the awesomeness of her books. Really, you don't even need to read any more of this review, just go buy her books!For those of you who would like to know all my thoughts about Dare You To, here they are!Dare You To is just as gripping as Pushing the Limits. Also, you don't necessarily have to have read Pushing the Limits to read Dare You To but I would highly recommend it. There are a bunch of crossover characters that you might understand a little better if you read the first book. Beth is one of those characters. She was a side character in Pushing the Limits and now readers get the chance to hear her story. She's not a character you immediately like (in either Pushing the Limits or Dare You To) but it's hard not to like her as you find out more of her story. She's not had an easy life and yet she tries to make the best out of every situation. However, she doesn't know quite what to do with Ryan. Ryan is nothing like Beth but they are perfect for each other. In this case opposites definitely do attract. Ryan is popular, smart, funny, and athletic. That's not all there is to him though. He's got a lot of secrets (just like Beth) and he and Beth have to work through their secrets together. Their relationship was definitely rocky but I loved it. Beth's secrets are pretty dark, a lot like Echo's were in Pushing the Limits. Also, it takes quite a bit of time for all her secrets to be revealed. I had trouble putting Dare You To down since I was so intrigued by Beth's story. There were some predictable parts to it but overall it was not something I really saw coming. It was the same with Ryan's secrets and how he handled them. His were definitely not as dark as Beth's but they were just as important. So was the way he handled them once Beth found out. Beth and Ryan really helped each other grow and move past their secrets and that's really what I loved about their relationship.Overall, I can't recommend Dare You To enough. If I could give it more than five shoes, I totally would. Check this one out as soon as you can!