I'm not sure why but for the longest time I have have put off reading novels written in verse. I just wasn't sure that the same emotions and story could be told in so few words. Boy was I wrong! The Day Before is an emotion-filled novel that I could not put down and I adored it!Amber wants a day all to herself. She doesn't want to worry about pleasing others. Cade wants the same thing but they both have very different reasons. I could not guess what either of their reasons were. That mystery kept me very intrigued throughout the book and it wasn't revealed until close to the end. I thought both their stories were very interesting and I really liked now knowing why they were at the beach that day.The characters themselves were so great. I felt really connected to them both and I sympathized with them. Both of their reasons for being at the beach were pretty serious and I liked how they both handled them. Amber was strong but still really afraid and Cade was the same way. I think Cade is one of the most realistic guys I have ever read about.Overall, The Day Before may be my first novel in verse but it definitely won't be my last. I highly recommend this one to all readers! =)