The Julian Game starts off a little slow but let me tell you this; it packs quite a punch. I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did but once I got into it I couldn't stop reading.Raye Archer is just like every other girl in one way: she is in love with Julian Kilgarry. Too bad she has never even spoken to him. She's even too afraid to add him on Facebook. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is not. Raye's creation seems like a brilliant plan until a popular girl with a grudge wants to use it to get back at Julian. Will Ella get revenge or will things get out of hand?I am going to go right out and state that I didn't like Raye. In fact, there is only one character in the book that I did like and that was Henry Henry. He was the only honest character in the book. Ella was mean, Julian was selfish, Natalya was confusing, and Raye was spineless. Raye was the only one who seemed to grow too. She was still spineless but she was easier to like at the end.The rest of the book was great. I thought it would be predictable at first but I was wrong. I didn't have a clue what Ella had in mind for any of her revenge schemes. Julian also added some surprises to the book. It was definitely not a boring story. I found myself reading nonstop to find out how it would end. And the ending was good! =]Overall, The Julian Game's striking cover will draw readers in but the fabulous story is what will keep them reading. I can't wait to see what Adele Griffin has in store for us next.