Emma has a bit of a problem. Her best friend isn't speaking to her. In fact, neither of them are and both for the same reason. See, one of her best friends is JoAnn and the other is Collin. Collin and JoAnn are dating and Emma and Collin might have shared a small kiss at Christmastime. That kiss also might have been in front of JoAnn's mother.So, as you can see Emma has is in a bit of a dilemma. To make matters worse, she isn't sure how she feels about Collin and he seems to be showing signs of taking their relationship further, no matter what JoAnn feels.Also, there is another guy who seems to be showing feelings for Emma and the popular girls at the school are suddenly becoming very sick. The town seems to think that it is a terrorist conspiracy and the new boy might somehow be involved.Will Emma be able to solve the mystery of what is happening to the popular girls without ruining her chances at love and a track scholarship?I have to say that I just couldn't get into this book. It started out at a good pace but after that things got slow. Also, the romance of the book never seem to take off. It seemed to get started and then just stop. It wasn't resolved at the end and that is one of the worst things to do, in my opinion.The characters in this story also seemed to be underdeveloped. Emma was a good character but you are kind of left guessing about her relationships with the other characters. Also, some of them just really pissed me off. =]The story was good and the book was cute, I just felt it could have been so much better. The end just really left me unsatisfied and maybe if there is a sequel I would be happier with this story. I would still recommend it for a cute summer read but if you are looking for something with substance, this isn't it.