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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Fallen (Lauren Kate's Fallen Series #1)

Fallen - Lauren Kate Wow! Just wow! Fallen was another book I really wanted to like but wasn't sure that I would. It had a lot of mixed reviews but I finally decided to put all of those out of my mind and read the book for myself. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I loved it!Fallen is a fallen angel story. Who would have guessed? =] This is only the second that I have ever read but I really hope for more in the future if they are anything like this one. Fallen was full of suspense, mystery, romance, and betrayals. And boy were there some unexpected betrayals. They were just so surprising and I love that.Luce was a great heroine, except for the whole stalkerish thing in the beginning. It kind of creeped me out how obsessed she was with Daniel but in the end it all made sense. I think the thing I liked most about the character of Luce was how no matter what happened, I rooted for her to come out ahead. I genuinely liked her. And of course I loved Daniel. He was a bit of a jerk at first but he was also so mysterious and sexy. Just what every girl wants in their dream guy, right? Well, I mean without the jerk part. One of the things that was so spectacular about Fallen was how quickly I was drawn into the story. Usually it takes me a while to get into a story but this one pulled me in from the very beginning and kept me reading until the bitter end. I wasn't disappointed by the ending, necessarily, it just left me with some unanswered questions and wanting so much more.Overall, I do recommend Fallen. I also recommend doing what I did. If it sounds like something you might enjoy, ignore all the bad reviews and read it for yourself. It's worth it, or at least it was to me!