I really wanted to like The Secret Sisterhood Of Heartbreakers. I enjoyed Lynn Weingarten's previous novel, Wherever Nina Lies, so I had high hopes for this one. Sadly it fell short.Lucy was my biggest problem. She was whiny and immature. She needed magic to get over a guy. She couldn't do it on her own because she wouldn't stop fawning over him. The whole book was pretty much just about getting him back. Then there were Olivia, Liza, and Gil. I didn't get the point of the heartbreakers. They just made guys fall for them so they could break their hearts. I found it cruel and pointless. The only character I even remotely liked was Tristan and he didn't have a very big role. I wanted more of him.I also didn't get the plot. Lucy had seven days to break a guys heart. She instead spent the whole time trying to get Alex back. The whole story was about Alex (who I didn't even like.)Overall, it was a unique story with lots of potential but I just did not enjoy it. I will not give up on Lynn Weingarten's future books though.