Catching Jordan is the perfect romantic comedy. Anytime you are in the mood for a fun YA read I highly recommend this one. Miranda Kenneally's debut novel makes me long for a plate full of nachos and some cute boys playing football!Jordan is a pretty fierce girl. She's captain of the football team (as well as quarterback) and she can hold her own with the guys. They don't intimidate her (although some of the cheerleaders do.) She definitely has some flaws though. She doesn't see some of the things that are right in front of her face. And she really starts to want things when she can't have them. I also felt that she didn't always take other people's feelings into account. She thought only of herself for quite a while. Now there is quite a bit of a love triangle (you're blind if you don't see it coming from the beginning) but it's one of the better love triangles in YA books. Both Henry and Ty are great guys, just very different. Ty is a little needy but also a little demanding. However he's a total sweetheart who cares deeply for his family. Henry is kind of a player but it's clear to see that he does it because he wants to be with Jordan and can't. He's very torn. I was definitely Team Henry. He's impossible not to love but Ty did appeal to me too.The best part of Catching Jordan is the friendship aspect. Jordan may not know it but she has a lot of friends. The guys on the football team would do anything for her. They all see her as their best friend even though she's a girl. They just think of her as a more delicate guy. As for the girls, they see her either as a threat (like some of the cheerleaders) or as someone to look up to. She's also very loved by her family even though she doesn't always see it.Disclaimer: I am not a football fan. I like some sports but football has never been one of the ones that I enjoy. However I great enjoyed the games and practices in Catching Jordan. Everything I needed to know was explained but not overdone. And it wasn't all about football. =)Overall, Catching Jordan is a must-read for contemporary fans. This is one that I will definitely be re-reading in the future!