So Close To You is such a fresh story. I'm always looking for unique stories in YA books and So Close To You has one of the most unique stories I have read. I already have high hopes for this series.So Close To You is a time-travel mystery with a bit of historical fiction thrown in. Things were a little confusing at times but it was all part of the mystery. I truly never once guessed what was going on or how things were going to work out. The story was full of suspense, lies, and some pretty big betrayals.Most of the story is actually set in 1944 and it's such an interesting setting. Not many books that I've read are set in this time period and it was surprisingly informational (but not in a boring history class way.) The soldiers, the dances, the lingo; it was all so fun. It's such a great mix of present-day and historical. Such a unique idea.Lydia is never once an annoying character. She's sweet, honest, selfless, and pretty dang brave. I'm pretty sure I would have been a lot more hysterical if I had ended up in 1944. She wanted to go home but instead she stayed to help her family. She was pretty fun and such an easy character to like. Her family was also great. Her grandfather, both as an old man and as a little boy, was such a sweetheart. Mary was so nice and funny. Dr. and Mrs. Bentley were kind and caring. Dean was a bit harsh at first but he was just protective. Wes, a boy who followed Lydia back in time, was harder to figure out. He seemed kind of shady at times but super wonderful at others. He was very complex. There really weren't any bad characters.The plot was fast-paced in the beginning and again in the end but it slowed down a bit too much for my liking in the middle. The middle was more of an info dump than anything. The info was necessary but I felt that it would have been better with more action. However it's still a very enjoyable book.Overall, So Close To You is an interesting story that I am eager to read more of. I want more of Lydia and Wes as well as more historical stuff! Maybe a different time period next time?