I had really high expectations for Ash when I started and at first I thought it would live up to them. I hate to say it but in the end, it didn’t. For some reason Ash just wasn’t the book for me. I have read such rave reviews for it and I feel bad that I can’t say the same for it. I really liked the whole concept of the book, a lesbian retelling of Cinderella but I guess it just wasn’t what I expected. Malinda Lo is an amazing writer, very descriptive and believable, so that wasn’t what I didn’t like. I think it was just the characters that really didn’t seem that great. They didn’t seem very relatable and I just didn’t feel like I really got to know them. My biggest complaint is the relationship between Ash and Sidhean. It really seemed like there was something between them throughout the book and I felt like it wasn’t explained very well. I really wanted to know more about him and I actually thought he was one of the better characters in the book, even though you don’t really get to know much about him. Overall, I was just really disappointed with Ash but I was one of the very few. I know a ton of people who really loved it so if it sounds like something you might like, give it a shot. =]