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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Crimson Frost

Crimson Frost - I've become a huge fan of the Mythos Academy series. The start was a little rocky but the rest of the books made up for the rough start. I devoured all the previous books and I expected nothing less with Crimson Frost. While I definitely enjoyed Crimson Frost I didn't think it was as good as the previous books in the series.My biggest issue with Crimson Frost was Gwen. She didn't seem to have nearly as much spunk as she did in the previous books. Sure she was sarcastic and funny but not nearly as much as I've come to expect from her. She just seemed rather lackluster and I got really tired of her poor pitiful me act. I wanted to see her take control of the situation and it took almost all of the book for her to do that. She wasn't the Gwen I have come to love from the other books.New characters were introduced in Crimson Frost and I loved to hate most of them. The Protectorate really annoyed me, especially Linus. He was a major jerk and there were many times where I just wanted to reach into the book and slap him. Alexei was quite a mystery to me for most of the book. I wasn't sure what his motives were, whether he was going to end up being good or bad, and whether or not I would ever grow to like him. Agrona however was the most mysterious. I was left guessing for a good part of the book who was good and who was going to end up being evil. (And I was definitely surprised at the end.)The story was rather slow. The first few chapters really hooked me but then they lost me. Nothing really seemed to happen for a good portion of the book. I wanted more action and more fighting. Instead there was a lot of Gwen feeling sorry for herself. Overall, Crimson Frost wasn't what I would call the best book in the series but it was still a fun read and it definitely left me dying for the next book. I have a feeling that fans of this series will really enjoy this addition.