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Katie's Book Blog!!

I'm a college student who loves reading. I will read pretty much anything but I do tend to choose YA most of the time!

Currently reading

Defying Hitler
Oliver Pretzel, Sebastian Haffner
Exquisite Captive
Heather Demetrios
Burying Water
K.A. Tucker
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Chris Crutcher

Some Girls Are

Some Girls Are - Courtney Summers Some Girls Are is one of those most intense books I have read. It had the effect that I couldn't stop reading it even when I wanted to. And yes, there were times when I wanted to stop reading it. Some Girls Are is a very heavy book but I definitely ended up liking it.Regina is a bitch and she knows it. Being a bitch has always been what she does until the Fearsome Fivesome kick her out. Now she has absolutely no friends because of how she treated everyone and her former friends are determined to make her life a living hell. Throughout all the torment, Regina, not surprisingly, remains a bitch, at least to some people. She refuses to let her former friends beat her and so for everything they do, she retaliates. While I hated how mean Regina was, I liked to see her get back at the Fearsome Foursome. She definitely did not lack a backbone. She also really did grow as a person throughout the book. She saw firsthand what she did to some of her victims and she truly felt remorse. Sadly I did not see the same growth in any of the other girls. They were just plain evil. The story itself is all about Regina's fall from grace that is caused by something she didn't do. The whole book seemed to be one mean prank after another, some more serious than others. What's worse is that when Regina finally finds someone who makes her happy (Michael) her old friends find a very cruel way to ruin that as well. It was almost painful to read Some Girls Are because there truly are almost no happy moments.Overall, Some Girls Are is not one I would recommend to everyone. It is a hard book to handle but I think a lot of people will appreciate it. You really need to be in the right mood to read this one though.